Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Keep Hope Alive

One of the “new realities” of the current economic climate is an almost certain sense of uncertainty about everything. Institutions of seemingly infinite duration are suddenly in peril. From the automakers, to Wall Street institutions, to charitable megaliths, there is no shortage of stories about hard times. Heck – I even saw Kyra Sedgwick doing a commercial the other day, and I had to wonder to myself if this was due to her husband’s (Kevin Bacon) losses in the Madoff scandal.

In the midst of all this chaos, I have to wonder what has happened to hope. I know that people have hope in the next life – that is the basis of our collective faith. What I’m wondering is if there is hope in this life. Do people have hope that we will be able to pull ourselves out of this mess?

In my opinion (and this is a blog so I’m entitled thank you very much) I believe there is a delicate balance between hope in this world and hope / faith in the next. When the balance tips in favor of the next, that’s where suicide bombers come from. That’s where workplace violence comes from. When a person has no hope in this life, where there is no expectation of things getting better or a brighter tomorrow, that’s when things can get dangerous.

And so I wonder with great trepidation on the state of our world and the capacity of our elected (and otherwise) leaders to preserve hope in this world. While I pray that someday I might see heaven in my next life, I also pray that I won’t see hell in this one.

Chief Mudflap

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