Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I’ll start this off right away by saying I am a Christian, so I’m coming at this wisdom thing with some baggage. But that’s not to say I’m closed-minded about sources and ideas on the topic. The phrase that I constantly return to is “enlightenment ultimately prevails.” What we ‘knew’ 50 years ago, seems pretty silly compared to what we know today. Imagine what we will ‘know’ in another 50 years. It makes the mind humble when you consider how ‘wrong’ we might be then.

So I’m always amazed when people try to invoke God, Jesus or some other religious entity as supportive of their cause, especially when that cause is denigrating to another group or class. I’m reminded of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who attributed Katrina as payback for a lifestyle in New Orleans that was less than holy. To quote Ronald Reagan (in a twisted way): “There you go again.”

In these instances, I always think of that phrase “What would Jesus do?” WWJD? I find it more than ironic that WWJD originated from the same evangelical base that can at times be so hurtful towards others. So what did Jesus actually do? Did he overturn tables in a brothel? No, he chased the moneychangers out of the temple. Did he rub elbows with the powerful? No, he gave comfort and healed the least of us. His message was about giving access to everyone who wanted to have a relationship with God no matter their status. He even chastised the pious and encouraged his followers to pray in secret. The powerful at that time was consumed with controlling access to God. Jesus invited everyone to the table.

The next time you hear a message from some group claiming to have God’s ear, and seeking to separate one group from another, remember that phrase: enlightenment ultimately prevails. Today’s wisdom might be tomorrow’s tragic mistake.

Chief Mudflap

Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome Back...

So you may notice that older posts are now gone. Finito.... Relegated to the dustbin of history. Like so much of our recent past, the last eight years seems like a distant memory, except for the mess they left behind.

So I have decided to clear out the past and start the blog fresh, and ponder some new ideas. As the name of the blog hints, this blog is about wisdom. So look for a fresh perspective on wisdom, or the lack thereof, and what we all might learn if we have "eyes to see and ears to hear."

Chief Mudflap